Our suite of building trades qualifications are designed to meet the needs of building contractors and individual trade workers to be trained and have their skills recognised in formwork/falsework, concreting, construction waterproofing, and wall and floor tiling.

National Training Services offers Certificate III level qualifications in Formwork / Falsework,  Concreting and Construction Waterproofing to assist trade workers meet registration and licensing requirements.

We also cater to the need to be multi-skilled in this industry by offering dual trade qualifications in formworking/falsework and concreting.

Experienced trades-people deliver and assess CPC30320 Certificate III in Concreting, CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling, CPC31420 Certificate III in Construction Waterproofing, and CPC31511 Certificate III in Falsework/Formwork. Trainers are current in the industry and are qualified to deliver and assess in the VET sector holding the qualifications required by our regulator, ASQA.

Building Trades courses are delivered on-the-job by National Construction Training (NCT), which a trading name of National Training Services Pty Ltd (RTO 21254).

Trades Registration and Licensing

Recent amendments were made to the Building Act 1993 to:

  • Provide the registration of building trade contractors and sub-contractors; and
  • The licensing of building employees

A registration or a license will be required to perform certain building work which will be prescribed in building regulation (‘prescribed work’).

Priority areas of building work include:

  • Carpenters (and framers)
  • Plasterers
  • Footing and foundation workers
  • Bricklayers
  • Wall and Floor Tilers and
  • Waterproofers

For more information regarding this, visit the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning engagement page for registration and licensing of building trades.